Monday, October 31, 2005

As expected, Bush went to the extreme right wing in his nomination of Samuel Alito. Set up by conservative disapproval of the Miers nomination, Alito is about as conservative as he could have gone. It'll be interesting how they treat his hearings; in regards to Roberts, conservatives wanted no questions asked about controversial issues, whereas that's all they would have wanted in the questioning of Miers. Clearly they'll try to avoid this as he is shown he would overturn Roe vs. Wade. As Jesse puts it "He's pro-discrimination, anti-civil rights, and likely to side with big corporations over workers every time."

On another note, it's nice that Harry Reid took a stand against the White House and asked for justice and an explanation as to the situation with the CIA leak. Reid voiced the opinion of many people; "I think not only should the president appear before the American public and explain what is going on and take a few questions from the press, but certainly the vice president should do that." He also called out the president on his claim that anyone involved with the leak of Valerie Plame's name would be fired; "Everyone knows Karl Rove is involved," Reid said. "If the president is a man of his word, Rove should be history." It's nice for a Democrat to finally say something publicly about how the administration is full of crap with regards to the leak of Plame's name.

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