Monday, December 05, 2005

Just got back from the hospital after visiting my friend Vince; he broke his leg playing snow football yesterday afternoon. It was a pretty sad sight, he had a hard cast all the way up to his groin. Considering the level and pain and drugs he was going through he was in pretty high spirits. Of all the times and places to break your leg, the winter in Boston is probably not the best option. This morning the entire walk to class was through slush and ice and there were people slipping all over the place; I can't imagine navigating Comm Ave on crutches this time of year. Tomorrow he's having a rod inserted into his leg from his knee to his foot, which is needed because he shattered both the tibia and the fibula bones in his lower leg.

For all the sports I've played in my life, I consider myself extremely lucky to have had only one serious injury in my life (I broke my collarbone playing soccer the summer after my junior year of high school). These kinds of freak injuries aren't anything you can really prevent and it sucks that something as casual as playing touch football can turn into something a lot more serious.

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